Wind on the Mountain

Ever since winning the 2014 Telluride Bluegrass Festival Band Competition, Trout Steak Revival has quickly become a quintessential Colorado band.  The band won an Emmy Award for a soundtrack they contributed to a Rocky Mountain PBS.  They’ve collaborated with school children in mentoring programs in Denver and Steamboat Springs.  Their music is featured on Bank of Colorado’s radio and television advertisements. Most recently, Westword named them Denver’s Best Bluegrass Band, and they were nominated as a Momentum Band of the Year by the International Bluegrass Music Association.  

Published: 2/17/2018 0 Comments
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Producer: asutterer
Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: Music: Folk, Country & Bluegrass
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-G
Language: English