<p>On Today show Johnnie J talks about illegal immigrants and how the crying Democrats and progressive’s on the left, who thought they were the only ones that own compassion, tried to over shadow President Trump meeting with North Korea, the unemployment going down and the tax cuts for businesses and the American people! President Trump cut them off at the path by signing the executive order to keep these illegal law breakers together with their children ending what pass administrations over the last 50 years didn’t do. Remember this is a show for entertainment only, don't take it so serious Don’t forget to like our FB page InnervisionRecords.org, listen to our Tuesday 6:00pm to 7:00pm call in radio show, watch our Periscope, follow us on twitter innervisionreco and sign up on our web site for our free News Letter at www.innervisionrecords.org Donate to our nonprofit at http://paypal.me/InnervisionDENVER</p>