A Quarter of the students in the United States are not finishing high school. We need to ask ourselves, are all of us as citizens, parents and teachers, giving the next generation of students a chance to succeed? Taking responsibility on this issue not only comes from succeeding in the classroom, but as a community and what the community can give back to students in order to help them succeed.
The issue on education spreads over the whole nation. In Colorado, we can’t change the system by touching the whole nation, but rather working in our state to be an example of how to improve the education system. As we shift our focus from the State of Colorado to our Denver community we notice (as eyes and citizens journalists of the Denver community), schools such as Montbello High and PS1 High are closing down because of low-test scores, school funding and schools taking in high risked students. As a group of youth in Denver Open Media, we also want to make a difference in our schools and we observe and go through the education system in our schools. We want the next generation students in our schools to have what we didn’t have during the time spent in school.
By observing the school closures in the Denver area we want to get deeper into the subject by investigating what are the factors to the school closures? What were the schools doing themselves to stop from having a closure? What does it do to the pshyce of the students when the schools close? We want to go deeper into the life of the students struggling and see how family, parents, classroom adds up into the education mix.