Rep. Jim Riesberg, chair of the House Health and Human Services Committee, talks with VIEWS Host Nancy Ulrich about current legislative bills, mostly related to healthcare, that either Rep. Riesberg is sponsor of, or which have gone through the committee he chairs.
Also, Rep. Riesberg reviews the history of immigrant communities in Greeley, some employed by the beef packing plant there, others springing new businesses all along Main Street. Though many illegal workers of Hispanic background were arrested in a raid a few years ago, other immigrant communities have moved in to replace them. Burmese and Somalian refugees, who are legal immigrants, have brought new ethnic communities to Greeley's diversity.
Within the first three minutes of this show, Rep. Riesberg's comments make it clear he is well versed in many areas of healthcare concerns of Colorado, including telemedicine, expanding nurse areas of practice, loosening restrictions on Podiatrists, and other adjustments as healthcare evolves on a state level.
This show is 60 minutes LIVE on March 19, 2010.