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Pinnacol fireworks
In Project: Brainiacs

<p>Pinnacol Assurance staff and executives answer questions in the legislative hearing September 4, 2009 about executive expense accounts, whether Colorado should sell Pinnacol, and all sorts of things. But Pinnacol executives got offended when Attorney Mark Simon asked if Pinnacol pays the small-dollar claims but denies the bigbucks claims. Paula is still offended too, that Pinnacol's CEO retains a seat on the state agency Colorado Worker's Compensation Division's COST CONTAINMENT BOARD, and that people with traumatic brain injuries endure intense discrimination when they cannot get legal representation at all, and are forced, despite mental disabilities, to be their own attorneys, which is "IMPOSSIBLE." Also, Paula draws from a very old fat dictionary for a more precise definition of the word "anyone" found in Colorado Revised Statutes on the Worker's Compensation Act for false statements on the stand under oath.</p>

Published: 9/05/2009 0 Comments
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Producer: prhoads
Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: Community Issues and Advocacy
In Project: Brainiacs
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-G
Language: English