Ed Kahn, Special Counsel, and Andy White, budget analyst, of the Colorado Center on Law and Policy visit with Host Nancy Ulrich about history when Blue Cross switched from being a non-profit to a for-profit insurance company, and how that might play in if Pinnacol Assurance is allowed to leave its governmental status behind.
Tape from the hearings includes Pinnacol CEO Ken Ross answering questions of committee members, including Mark Simon, attorney, who learned that Pinnacol employees and Pinnacol contribute to the Public Employees Retirement Association, thus indicating their status.
Further hearings are scheduled in the basement of the Capitol on August 14 and 31, and other hearings in September and October 16.
Also, Dr. Ruth Kempe's passing in July is remembered for her speech in July 2002 at the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN), when she welcomed members from around the world and expressed encouragement for the difficult task, as well as perspective on how far the movement has come.