Equal parts hard rock, punk, and alternative, Denver’s To Be Astronauts is a modern band with an abundance of old influences. Originally from Los Angeles, Sal Thomas moved to Denver in August 2007 and started bashing the kit about a month later. Kyle is from Georgetown, SC. He is a guitarist, composer, and occasional vocalist. Kyle plays LOUD! Eric Wright is from Boston MA. He plays bass. Max Schwartz is an uber-talented, multi-instrument playing, super amazing front-man. He always has the crowd eating out of his hands! To Be Astronauts are proud to release our first full-length album, indifferentstates. Recorded locally at Modern Art Rock Studios, the album runs the gamut from straight up rockers like “Oxygen,” (the album’s first single) to alternative tunes like “Oh Lucy” about ghosts at the Stanley Hotel, to punk tracks that deal with fluid sexuality and our declining social safety net (“This is Not Normal”). To Be Astronauts have played multiple venues around Denver, but our favorites tend to be intimate venues on East Colfax, which has led us to describe our sound as “East Colfax rock.” But make no mistake: like our namesake, we bounce all over the known musical universe, and we welcome its continued expansion. Tune in, turn on, and blast off.