KenDara Peoples won the Miss Wheelchair Colorado pageant crown April 26, 2011 with her sister Arriana and family watching. We include today also the speech of the 2010 Miss Wheelchair Colorado winner, Zara Vargas, whose comments of the national pageant are gracious and inspiring.
Also, after announcements, we review several vacant school buildings that school districts have for sale in the Denver Metro area. They include:
Fruitdale Elementary, 10801 W. 44th Ave, Wheat Ridge
Berkeley Gardens, 5301 Lowell, Westminster
Baker Elementary at 64th and Lowell, Westminster
Rosedale Elementary, Grant and Iliff in Denver
Flood Middle School, 3700 S. Broadway, Englewood
Folks in the TBI community are thinking of the HOUSING COOP proposal as a means of creating permanent shelter and also contributing to school funding.