Welcome to a new and thought provoking television series, Life and Death - Living Fully, Dying Well. In this first, permier episode, our host Kim Mooney has a deep discussion with our guests - a Jewish Rabbi, a Methodist Priest and a Buddhist Teacher - about the Journey of the Soul when we enter life and when we depart. What does each faith believe in this realm? How can we embrace the impermanance of life so we may diminish fear of death and live more fully in each moment we have on earth? And will this help in anyway to make our passing on any easier or better?
When we prepare now to cross the final threshold of Life in the future with courage and illumination, we enrich every day we live in this world. Life and Death - Living Fully, Dying Well is a compelling, new TV series that examines consciously embracing our own mortality at this moment in order to allow ourselves to live life more fully at any age. When we actively join with our inevitable mortality at this time, we can more deeply experience life with fearlessness, joy, grace and being fully alive. Please join us as we embark on a fascinating journey into Life and Death.