<p>A Just Cause takes a look at injustice that can occur in the U.S. judicial process. A Just Cause has been investigating the case of IRP Solutions Corporation. IRP is a software development company that was developing software for law enforcement. The company and several of it's executives are currently under federal investigation. Trial is set for January 2011. The company got in debt while developing software for major law enforcement agencies, but one of it's vendors accused the company of fraud. This triggered a federal investigation and subsequent FBI raid on the business. Several improper things have occurred during the investigation. A Just Cause sets the record straight on what IRP is all about. In Episode 3, A Just Cause sits down with IRP Solutions' Founder and Chief Technology Officer Gary Walker. Mr. Walker gives a brief overview of the software his company was developing, and he shares why he is so passionate about helping law enforcement even though federal agents and prosecutors are trying to validate charges that have been filed against the company. This is a true story. It happened to IRP and A Just Cause has found that it is happening to others across the country. View the program. Make comments. Thank you....</p>
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A Just Cause - Episode 3 - IRP Solutions Founder/CTO Gary Walker
In Project: A Just Cause
Producer: sthurman
Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: Community Issues and Advocacy
In Project: A Just Cause
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-G
Language: English