Denver Near Death Studies (DNDS) presents Mr. Rick Nelson, founder of the Paranormal Research Forum based in Denver, Colorado. To experience more great educational speakers, like Rick Nelson, please join us at our 2nd Sunday monthly meetings at Greenwood Village City Hall, CO, shown at,, and,
Characteristics of the interdimensional humanoid can be benevolent and malevolent which care not for the outcome of the humans on this planet. Moreover, these other embodiments are not aware of us humans and most are extremely remote. Some embodiments are more connected than others.
Humanoid embodiments under discussion:
• Reincarnation
• Extraterrestrial (ET)
• Hybrids
• Angelic beings
• Demonic.
Hear more from our speaker, Mr. Rick Nelson, founder of the Paranormal Research Forum.
A death experience (DE), out-of-body, or other trauma, results in a profound spiritual event experienced by a person close to death or, if not near death, in a situation of physical or emotional crisis. For many DE'ers returning from their death, they can possess abilities to heal others, possess new electrical sensitivity, synesthesia (multiple sensing), and may look physically younger (before and after photos can differ). Because this event includes transcendental and mystical elements, an DE is a powerful event on a persons consciousness. The results of the event significantly alter and forever change a persons life path.
See our Facebook site at:
Denver Near Death Studies
Meets: second Sunday each month
Time: 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Location: Greenwood Village City Hall, 6060 S. Quebec Street, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111
Contact- J.J. at, or call c720-203-6354.
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