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Discover Your Destiny, Why You Are Here, Through Astrology Part 4 of 4

When NDE'ers return from their death, many are enthusiastic about remembering their life purpose, their destiny, their reason for being in this life. But what about the rest of us? How can we know our life purpose? Our destiny? Do we have to die, too, to find out? 'Course not. That is what the ancient science of astrology is for. Your birth chart already tells you your life purpose and how best to manifest it in this life. Hear these three professional astrologers take previously analyzed birth data from this meetup's attendee's, and describe for them what is their destiny. These professional astrologers are available to provide you or family members, a birth chart reading, of your life destiny-purpose in this life.

Professional Astrologer Panel Speakers:
Shirley Self-  303-697-6737, jimshirleyself@gmail.com
Marguerite Hafeman- ceylon101@mysticmarguerite.com
Jill Pitts-  theastrodancer@gmail.com

Near-death experiences and similar spiritual transformative experiences, such as; OBE Astral projection, ET abduction-contact, physical traumas, and their related psychic experiences, have stood at the core of religious traditions across cultures and centuries. In secular terms they suggest that human consciousness is greater than the brain and broader than we have believed possible; that these experiences may be quite different from its physical appearance; and that life itself cannot be fully measured by physical or mechanistic definitions.

See Denver Near Death Studies (DNDS) monthly meetings at- https://www.meetup.com/Denver-IANDS/

See the latest DNDS presentations on our YouTube.com channel: Denver Near Death Studies- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ8jjkmNgT48DN5q9iSBngQ

See DNDS Facebook page at:  https://www.facebook.com/people/Denver-IANDS
And here is a comment from NDEer Ian Mattinson via our YouTube channel-
‘We NDEers have brought back our experiences to share love from beyond this dimension and witness how our experience is affecting this dimension with healing. We also bring back energy to change this reality with our light. Further, I chose to come back to witness the great awakening of mankind, the evolution of awareness, love, and light.’

Denver Near Death Studies Purpose- To create heaven on earth. Share our spiritual transformative experiences, ask questions about the experience, hear speakers on related topics that support these experiences, discuss the spirituality of the NDE experience and bring in related tools and psychic abilities that help the experiencers and non-experiencers.

Published: 4/28/2017 0 Comments
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Producer: cjwells1
Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: Well-Being/Lifestyle
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-G
Language: English