George Ira Carroll was our guest speaker! See a testimonial about George below.
Video is the MOST effective means of communication on the internet because it allows us to utilize 4 out of the 5 available senses that our audience members have available:
1.) Sight
2.) Sound
3.) Touch
4.) our Emotions.
Emotion is the most important sense to use when making a YouTube video because it allows us to create common ground. When we can elicit an emotional response from a human being we get connected to them and their feelings. When a person feels strongly about something then they are more likely to do something about it. Starting from the basics is important. . . Especially, for men because emotions are not something that we instinctual think about. In fact, the word Emotional intelligence is likely to scare most men off in a different direction.
This meetup group discusses the 4 areas above that contribute to a high E.Q. and demonstrate what it is like to create a compelling YouTube video with real emotion that you can duplicate over and over again in your authority marketing videos to boost your business.