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BRAINIACS: Mount Falcon
In Project: Brainiacs

This Brainiacs episode of Aug. 31, 2013 features footage of Mount Falcon, near Kittredge, Colorado, which seems to consistently rain on Paula Rhoads and her daughter Miranda. A great place to take kids for an easy hike, Mount Falcon is full of history and also offers a great view.

This show also includes a legal lesson of sorts as Paula reviews the Colorado Organized Crime Control Act and compares it to the deeds and misdeeds of Administrative Law Judge Michael Harr, who abused his discretion in numerous ways, including that his brother, Jim Harr, employed Paula and therefore ALJ Harr should have recused himself. Paula shows Colorado Revised Statutes and/or American Jurisprudence text to show that ALJ Harr's refusal of RECEIPTS PROVING TIME LOST was an "error" for refusing indisputable factual MATERIAL evidence, thus constituting a justified reason to set aside Harr's decision and fact finding.

But more important is the solution proposed in the Colorado Organized Crime Control Act regarding problems with fact finding and evidence: new remedies.

Also, 72 American Jurisprudence POF3d 363, Section 8 on page 385 indicates why Judge Harr's socalled "FIndings of Fact" Number 4 discrediting Paula for her inability to remember how long she was unconscious and variations in her doctor's notes' wording ... is WRONG and contrary to law.

72 Am. Jur. POF (PROOF OF FACTS)3d 363 indicates: "Even where the patient has a clearly documented loss of consciousness, trauma physicians missed the diagnosis in 72 percent of the cases and emergency room physicians missed it in 52 percent."  So Judge Harr's ruling is absolutely contrary to law and research. This also indicates a longterm discrimination against a specific set of disabled people.

Paula proposes a CITIZENS TASK FORCE to review the fact finding of ALJs, reverse wrongful denials, remove ALJs and prosecute them, accommodate mentally disabled claimants by guaranteeing them legal representation and Triple Tessla MRI brainscans as a means of insuring the Colorado Worker's Compensation Division and OAC will truly operate in the public's best interests.

Published: 8/31/2013 0 Comments
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Producer: prhoads
Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: Community Issues and Advocacy
In Project: Brainiacs
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-G
Language: English