COMA, the 2008 HBO documentary film by Liz Garbus, tracks four people in comas as they wake into consciousness, or minimal consciousnessness, or "beyond." Some suffered brain injuries in car accidents, others from falling off a balcony, but their families also star as they encourage, kiss, hug, cheer, cry, straighten bed clothes and wait to witness more advances or make tough decisions no one anticipated.
The first half of Brainiacs offers announcements of April programs for people with brain injuries, their families and professionals. The last half is a teaser from COMA, but you can borrow this documentary from the Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado to see the rest of it.
BTW, Brainiacs is an independent tv show started by a group of people disabled by brain injuries who had something to prove. Brainiacs is broadcast at Denver Open Media public access tv, which restricts this footage to noncommercial use.
Brainiacs is independent from the nonprofits whose programs we promote. Brainiacs is produced by Paula Rhoads, and she is not paid by anyone, is not employed by anyone, but appreciates the encouragement toward self advocacy that is promoted by the same nonprofits commonly featured.
The four ballot initiatives Paula filed with the state will be reviewed in hearing April 2 at the capitol, so don't sign any petitions before they get out of committee. If they get flunked, we will learn more and anticipate another run next year.
None of the nonprofits featured on Brainiacs were involved in encouraging or promoting the filing of four ballot initiatives, but Colorado's citizens may someday vote for these to prevent fraud against themselves or their loved ones.
These ballot initiatives include one to use $10 million annually to create permanent housing for people disabled by traumatic brain injuries and others intellectually disabled who are compatible, such as autistic or developmentally disabled. Another uses $5 million annually to establish the public defender's office in worker's comp to prosecute fraud against claimants who are mentally disabled, to accommodate them or represent them, to review fact finding for wrongful denials, to investigate and remove corrupt administrative law judges. Leftover funds will go to the Brain Injury Program for individual grants for cognitive rehab or family support.
Two other ballot initiatives seek to remove administrative law judges Michael Harr and Thomas DiMarino for organized crime, abuse of discretion, disability discrimination in public service, or public corruption.