Blind man review of Candace Owens and The Green Room movie on Innervision FM
In Project: InnervisionFM Friday
On today’s Innervision FM show, I Johnnie J. talk about my thoughts as a Blind man review of Candace Owens Opening statement at the U.S. Hearings and The Green Room movie on Netflix.
As a blind man who doesn’t want to be a victim so he can be a part of the Democratic party, I wanted to give my insight as I listen to Candace talk about her eyes being open to the real history of this radical leftwing socialist party! Then I give my greatest imitation of Obama, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortec and Hillary Clinton doing their black voice, lol.
Then I turn my ears to the Green Room thriller that is on Netflix and is not audio describe.
I found that this movie had me sitting on the edge of my seat wanting the band members to live through this bad booking!
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Producer: Johnnie Johnson
Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: Cultural Perspectives
In Project: InnervisionFM Friday
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-G
Language: English