For this show I am going to do something a little bit different, I usually try to find a guest who has written a book and/or done extensive travel within Colorado. I don't know if I have shared with you in the past, that along with my Colorado radio shows and private tour guiding I've traveled all over America appearing at RV shows, sharing my stories and hopefully getting people excited about traveling in their new RVs. I had the pleasure of presenting travel log shows that I have assembled over the years. A current show I'm presenting this year is “explore Colorado” the ad copy reads visit “America's number one city Park, the Garden of the Gods and Colorado's number one man-made attraction the Air Force Academy cadet Chapel. We’ll also explore in and around the Ute Indian nation in the four corners and Mesa Verde National Park”. I decided to hook up a small tape recorder and record one of my “explore Colorado” presentations. Because “explore Colorado” is longer that this 30-minute show I will be leaving out some final thoughts of traveling in Colorado but future shows here will pick up the slack. Now let's go to the presentation I gave at the Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee this past January on “exploring Colorado”.
Bernie's Colorado Journeys; shares travels in Colorado - show #37
In Project: Bernie's out west Journeys
Producer: Bernie Jwaszewski
Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: Talk Radio, News, & Culture
In Project: Bernie's out west Journeys
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-G
Language: English