Live Televised Third Friday Open Mic
Featured musicians David Alexander - 15 year old Pop Artist
Featured Poet Valerie A Szarek
Hosted by Jeff Young
August 17th | 6pm | Denver Open Media
700 Kalamath St., Denver, CO 80204
This is a special Edition as part of Blissfest333 "LEGACY 2018"
In honor of Mary Elitch (Original owner of Elitch Gardens) who elevated the human condition through poetry, music, and the arts.
The mic is open to everyone.
Sign up early. First come, first served. We are off the are at 8pm sharp. Sign up late and there is no guarantee you will be on live television.
Poetry, Performance, Music, Dance, Magic, Comedy, etc...
Bring your talent and get seen around the world because not only are we on Denver Comcast Channels 57. We will be streaming live and on the world wide web at:
Participants will be judged on their material, their delivery, their appearance and their overall performance. Winners will be announced on September 8th at the Bliss Awards which is part of the The 1101 Experience (A Free Multimedia Extravaganza). More information at
Brought to you by Denver Open Media, Historic Elitch Theatre, Ziggies Live Music / Ziggies Presents, and the Blissfest333 CommUNITY.