<p>Amy Berryman, who supervises occupational therapy for traumatic brain injury patients at Craig Hospital in Englewood, spoke Oct. 8, 2009 for the 27th Annual Conference of the Brain Injury Association of Colorado in Denver, on using daily routines to maximize cognitive abilities after a TBI. For educators of people with brain injuries, Berryman reveals how procedural learning in early recovery stages is retained despite the mental confusion of that timeframe. Special education teachers may find valuable tips in her discussion of procedural learning vs. declarative learning, which may not "take" so easily. Incidentals in this hour of interactive instruction include a good example of how experts in brain injury stay unruffled when challenged by frustrated TBI. Thanks, Amy, and all TBI experts. We do appreciate that.</p>
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Amy Berryman, occupational therapy supervisor at Craig Hospital, Englewood, Colorado
In Project: Brainiacs