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In Project: Brainiacs

Brainiacs Producer Paula Rhoads gives new Host Beth Kahmann a challenge to see who gets to say more, especially when Paula ignites the "conspiracy theory" about House Bill 1318 heard Thursday in the House Finance Committee two weeks before the legislative session ends.

First half hour, Beth reviews Kahmann Sense Communications' materials to help organize anyone, including TBI disabled. And her own personal history too.

Meanwhile, the Denver Post on Saturday, April 27, 2013 printed an article that a "retail marijuana" bill is flawed enough to repeal Amendment 64, legalizing recreational marijuana, previously approved by Colorado's voters.

Paula saw Attorney General John Suthers at the Thursday House Finance Committee Hearing on House Bills 1317 and 1318, both introduced in the last two weeks of the legislative session.

House Bill 1318 distributes tax revenues no one can adequately predict, first sending $40 million to school capitol construction, contributing to the Old Age Pension Fund, and sending 10 percent back to local governments. One tv news program projected $130 million in revenues.

Paula was only going to request $10 million annually from the marijuana tax revenues for permanent housing for TBI disabled, as there will never be any dedicated revenue stream there. The Colorado Traumatic Brain Injury Trust Fund could administer it. One proposal would purchase habitable shuttered school and hospital buildings the first year, so school districts would get the money, and lose a problem.

This would create permanent housing in many communities across the state, while also allowing disabled to live near their families instead of congregating in Denver. Community participation in the EXTREME MAKEOVER might also generate brotherly goodwill.

Or the $10 million annually could purchase 4 or 5 Triple Tessla MRI machines to place around the state (and in prisons) to embrace modern medicine and accurate diagnostics to eliminate planned delay and denial of healthcare to Americans.

Current practices of more than one Colorado hospital is to routinely refuse correct diagnostics so they can "save" money for funding healthcare for uninsured people. Which is stealing. Or defrauding the most vulnerable people who are least likely to be able to defend themselves. That historic practice of Colorado greedheads is not unlike what the Nazis did in WWII.

Connecting the source of funds to programs helping the victims has legislative precedent.

A lobbyist Thursday suggested the legislature will never give money to people "who don't do anything." What about the core functions of government, which are not exactly to provide $10 to $20 million to ski resort marketing.

Paula takes exception to the lobbyist's seeming prejudice against the disabled, particularly after Brainiacs proved TBI disabled people can work as a group producing this tv show to make a meaningful contribution to society.

The same Social Security disability backwages funded the same crew that produced other shows Paula owned, including VIEWS FROM DENVER, which broadcast the same lobbyist more than once. Myopia or prejudice? Or proof that Paula is invisible? Should we auto-tune her news?

The next excuse the lobbyist offered why CU Med Center campus at Colorado Blvd and Ninth cannot become housing was asbestos. Two points for Paula: she predicted that one.

Meanwhile, is it suspicious that Gov. Hickenlooper is gone to Israel during the final weeks of the legislative session, possibly consulting about his political future or that bill "investing" in Israel's debt instead of Colorado's citizens?

Published: 4/27/2013 0 Comments
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Producer: prhoads
Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: Community Issues and Advocacy
In Project: Brainiacs
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-G
Language: English