Aqua Milk
Published: 01-08-19
Whole Milk is a touring surf jazz duo from Denver, Colorado. Following the release of their debut self-titled EP in April 2017, the band has toured extensively, having played over 150 shows in 24 US states and 3 countries in the past year. With two voices, bass and guitar, Alec Reid (guitar) and Mariah George (bass), create a nostalgic soundscape reminiscent of Cosmo Pike and King Krule, Chet Baker’s sad jazz with an undertow of surf. Tune into Whole Milk’s newest releases on Soundcloud, Spotify, Apple Music, and Bandcamp. For tour updates and to keep up with the band’s day-to-day, you can find Whole Milk on Facebook (@wholemilkshredz) or check out their VHS-themed Instagram (@wholemilk.mp3).
Whole Milk
Producer: Camilla
Language: English
Theme: Music: Rock, Indie, Punk, & Post
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