Gideon-Amashimwe(Praises) w/subtitles
Published: 03-08-18

Gideon is an emerging gospel singer/song writer who currently lives in Denver Colorado. He started singing at the age of 14 and he started writing his own songs at the age of 18. His passion for music has always been a way to speak of his faith and embrace his roots. Many of his song have the African/American feel to it. He sings in English, Swahili and kinyarwanda. 

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Music Video - Goshen imagery

Music Videos in this section varies from one community to the other community. From American to Non-american. As a filmmaker i believe the language of music is universal and this language called music brings a vast number of people together. I hope you will enjoy listening and watching these videos.

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Producer: Goshen Carmel
Language: English
Theme: Music & Entertainment
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