Demons in the Night (single) - Modern Suspects
Published: 03-01-18

In seeking to define why they make music, Modern Suspects solidified this statement after many a motive questioning conversation. "Demons in the Night" is a turning point for the band. A lynchpin of the the band's live set, the song had rested in their ether for over a year. The chorus stands as a declaration of defiance in the face of adversity, an ode to their axiom - "Demons in the night, you tempt me / With the white flag you gave me / I'll set your flag to flame / Make a torch and light my way." 

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Demons in the Night (single) - Modern Suspects

In seeking to define why they make music, Modern Suspects solidified this statement after many a motive questioning conversation. "Demons in the Night" is a turning point for the band. A lynchpin of the the band's live set, the song had rested in their ether for over a year. The chorus stands as a declaration of defiance in the face of adversity, an ode to their axiom - "Demons in the night, you tempt me / With the white flag you gave me / I'll set your flag to flame / Make a torch and light my way." 

Producer: asutterer
Language: English
Theme: Music: Rock, Indie, Punk, & Post
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