Interview Founder of Sassafras and Maple Research Foundation.
Published: 03-17-17

Interview Imran Cooper, Founder of Sassafras and Maple Research Foundation.

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Civic Matters

ActivateNow interviewing Colorado Rep Joe Salazar (D-Thornton) on 3 important issues affecting Coloradans: 

1. Ralph Carr Freedom Defense Act to be introduced by Rep Salazar on March 6 to protect Colorado from federal government overreach; 
2. SB17-207 introduced by Senator John Cooke, co-sponsored by Senator Daniel Kagan, Rep Lang Sias, and Rep Joseph Salazar, aimed at strengthening Colorado behavioral health crisis system to stop the incarceration of mentally ill patients; and 
3. Clarification on Trump Administration's recent announcement on enforcing Drug Laws which has significant impacts on States with legalized recreational marijuana (developing story).

Producer: hedyeh1359
Language: English
Theme: News, Business and Government
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