Membership Refund Policy
Memberships are refundable within 30 days of purchase provided that the member has not used the membership for any of its benefits including taking discounted classes, equipment use, studio use, editing, or submitting content to the channels and website.
If a member can adequately prove that they were dissatisfied and were not able to use any of the services and/or equipment and facilities at Denver Open Media due to no cause of their own, a refund request will be reviewed by management.
Commercial or Member Rental Refund Policy
Renters are expected to thoroughly check equipment before signing the rental contract. Improperly working equipment that should have been checked is not the fault of the Open Media Foundation. If it is found that the recording equipment is found to have malfunctioned (proof must be provided) and it is clear that was not due to the fault of the renter, Open Media Foundation will refund the rental fees.