<p>Introductoion to tai chi and its health and relaxation benefits. Master Clarke has studied the internal arts from world-renowned masters in China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, and the US. Master Clarke is a former U.S. team member, 1990 Korea and 1996 Gold medal winner in Brazil. Master Clarke has established himself as a world respected teacher of the internal arts. He has worked for the Sports Ministry in the former USSR as a consultant to their national athletic program. He worked for Dan Reeves with the Denver Broncos on coordination and visualization techniques, and he has also worked with the Federal Bureau of Investigation to teach their SWAT team high-level martial arts techniques. Master Clarke is a multitalented musician, screenplay writer, and has starred in five martial arts action films, most recently "Tiger Street" and "Dancing Bear".</p>
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Tai Chi with Master Clarke
In Project: Tai Chi with Master Clarke
Producer: JohnnyB2
Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: Well-Being/Lifestyle
In Project: Tai Chi with Master Clarke
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-G
Language: English