"We are living in historic times", says financial consultant Jim Puplava. As reflected in his weekly Financial Sense Newshour, actually several hour-long podcasts, Jim has been factoring peak oil into his financial picture for several years.
In this interview plus excerpts from his presentation at the Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO-USA) conference in September 2008, Jim talks about the "crisis window" opened by the current 2008 global credit crunch, and deepening over the next several years as oil supply begins its permanent decline. He provides some basic investment guidance for navigating the coming "perfect financial storm," noting that our society will move of necessity from consumption to conservation. (www.puplava.com, www.financialsense.com, www.aspo-usa.com).
Peak Moment Conversations 130-137 were videotaped at ASPO-USA 2008.