The Self-ish Latina Podcast 002 Lorraine Ladish
In Project: Project Enye

“Take care of yourself…you first…whatever you need to do for yourself, take your time and do it– it is not indulgent.” – Lorraine Ladish

Lorraine C. Ladish is a Florida-based communicator, helping empower women to achieve their goals. She is the Co-founder and CEO of Viva Fifty Media, a bilingual venture that celebrates midlife and beyond and has contributed to NBCNews, Huffpost, AARP,, Purple Clover, Latina magazine and Redbook. She is also a digital influencer and brand spokesperson. Her latest book on embracing age, “Tu Mejor Edad,” (Your Best Age) was published by HarperCollins in 2017. She is an RYT-200 and is studying towards her RYT-500 at Heartwood Retreats. Lorraine recently

We’re getting personal in the episode with Lorraine; breaking down barriers and visiting subjects that are gritty and a little uncomfortable.

Lorraine is a bright light in this world. She is the founder of a successful blog and YouTube Channel, and is living proof that it’s never too late to redesign your life exactly the way that you want it. Lorraine is a master at graceful aging, overcoming embarrassment and obstacles that come with conquering an eating disorder. Her extraordinary self-awareness truly shows as she opens up and discusses her mental health struggles. She is a force of nature and proves it everyday by living and breathing authenticity in everything she does

During my time with Lorraine we discuss where her family is from, what it was like growing up in a house of writers, and the “series of unfortunate events” that brought her to the happiest point of her life today.

Here is a breakdown of what we talk about this episode:

⦁ How Lorraine broke into the journalism world and how that quickly turned into writing and publishing books.

⦁ Lorraine shares candidly about her eating disorder and how she overcame that.

⦁ How exciting it is to be 50 and how happy she is about it! She explains how aging gives her the ability to embrace purest joys in life. 

⦁ Lorraine embodies the saying “owning your story”, and that by doing that it is never too late to be happy, to be who you want to be, and to succeed. 

⦁ She emphasizes the importance of self love and care. We must reset and begin to think about ourselves. 

Remember to never be ashamed or embarrassed about your story. It deserves to be told, and YOU deserve to be happy.

Thought questions/reflections:

⦁ One of the biggest ways Lorraine was able to embrace herself and overcome life’s challenges was by focusing on self love and care. She teaches us to remember to put ourselves first. What will you do to put YOU first?

Important Links:

Personal website:




Blog: VivaFifty

YouTube Channel: YouTube Channel

Published: 8/27/2019 0 Comments
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Producer: hansbacher
Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: Talk Radio, News, & Culture
In Project: Project Enye
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-G
Language: English