The panel discussion explores the nature of the Near Death Experience (NDE) from an experiential and after-death perspective. The panel of four participants share their own perspectives of their personal NDEs and the gifts-talent-blessings they returned with for use by the rest of us. The panel is moderated by author Dr. L. Roy Hill, Psy.D., who has practiced for 20 years and methodically explored the significance and meaning of NDEs as brilliantly uncovered in his book: Psychology and the Near Death Experience.
A near death experience (NDE) is a profound spiritual event experienced by a person close to death or, if not near death, in a situation of physical or emotional crisis. Our NDE panel speakers, as for many NDE'ers returning from their death, can possess abilities to heal others, possess new electrical sensitivity, synesthesia (multiple sensing), and may look physically younger (before and after photos can differ). Because this event includes transcendental and mystical elements, an NDE is a powerful event on a persons consciousness. The results of the event significantly alter and forever change a persons life path.
See Denver Near Death Studies (DNDS) monthly meetings at-
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Panel Speakers:
Lori Niell, 719-495-9168,, and,
Susan Noeske,
Adam Lloyd- 720-491-1327,,
Rex Finfgeld-
Moderator- Dr. Roy L. Hill-
Denver Near Death Studies
Meets: second Sunday each month
Time: 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Location: Greenwood Village City Hall, 6060 S. Quebec Street, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111
Contact- J.J. at, or call c720-203-6354
And here is a comment from NDEer Ian Mattinson via our YouTube channel-
‘We NDEers have brought back our experiences to share love from beyond this dimension and witness how our experience is affecting this dimension with healing. We also bring back energy to change this reality with our light. Further, I chose to come back to witness the great awakening of mankind, the evolution of awareness, love, and light.’
Denver Near Death Studies Purpose- To create heaven on earth. Share our spiritual transformative experiences, ask questions about the experience, hear speakers on related topics that support these experiences, discuss the spirituality of the NDE experience and bring in related tools and psychic abilities that help the experiencers and non-experiencers.
Copyright © 2016 by Denver Near Death Studies. Do not download or re-upload this video in whole or in part to any channel or other platform, unless you have secured permission from DNDS.