In Episode 14 of Life and Death, Grief and the Death of a Pet - Helping Our Pet Die, our special guest Veteranarian Dr. Ann Brandenbor-Schroeder discusses the perpspective of our animal when they know it is time to die and how we can help them. As our companions, they know when we're upset and therefore it becomes difficult for them to make the transition. Social Worker Ann Johnson has been facilitating a pet loss grief support group for many years with the group Petaid. Both discuss the importance that acknowledging and proccessing our grief normally with the loss of a pet is equally important to that of the grief of loosing a human loved one. Our pet companions are completely nonjudgemental, loving and available to us at our most difficult times and never turn their backs on us. To loose that uncompromised love and affection is realistically devastating and so important to take the time to grieve as any other significant loss in life. Our host, Kim Mooney, shares her recent loss of her special pet and the impact it had on her.
Life and Death - Episode 14 - Grief and the Loss of a Pet - Helping Our Animal Die
In Project: Life and Death - Living Fully, Dying Well
Producer: chipfrye
Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: Well-Being/Lifestyle
In Project: Life and Death - Living Fully, Dying Well
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-G
Language: English