FootballFridayNightLights-July 8, 2016
Published: 07-10-16
Mid point of summer workouts.
You don't have to train aggressively 7 days a week. 3 days plus core or running on opposite days is fine.
Do not be tempted to attend every event. #CleatsONtheirTurf is much better than revenue camps that provide ZERO benefit.
Until next week please enjoy the show and vote to have us on the air again.
A preseason preview is available but will be updated in the next few weeks.
www.FootballFridayNightLights.comhttp://footballfridaynightlights.com/2016/04/co-5a-preseason-football-pr... via @303Gonzo
FootballFridayNightLights-July 8, 2016
Producer: Gonzo
Language: English
Theme: Talk Radio, News, & Culture
MORE FROM FootballFridayNightLights-July 8, 2016