All Content must now be submitted in its ORIGINAL RECORDING. Only Recorded, Edited and Exported HD content should be submitted as HD content. If your content is SD, it should remain SD.
Quick Facts for Exporting:
Compression: H.264 (.movs are preferred - .mp4 do not play on Chrome on Macs)
Quality: 100%
Limit Data Rate to 10 Mbps (do not submit kbps)
48 kHz Audio
29.97 Frame Rate
1920x1080 (HD 1080i) OR 720x480 (SD)
FILE NAME: Do not start with a number. Do not use spaces or special characters in your file name (except for underscores).
This tutorial provides a step by step guide on how to submit your video content to DOM servers for ingestion into our broadcast system. This tutorial specifically demonstrates the steps for video submission using Final Cut Pro X. We strongly recommend reading the entire tutorial before you begin.
The key steps are 1) preparing your video file for system ingestion, 2) exporting/transferring your video file to the ingest folder and 3) submitting your show for system ingestion.
To successfully complete this tutorial you must meet the following requirements:
Have Basic, Equipment Access, or Equipment & Training Membership;
Be logged into one of the DOM Editing Workstations;
See the "ingest" icon on the desktop ---->
If you have difficulty meeting any of the above requirements, please see one of the interns or staff at the DOM Help Desk.
Quick Walkthrough
Go to your Project Library.
Click on the Project you want to Export.
On the Top Menu Bar of FCPX click on Windows, and choose Project Properties. The properties for that project will appear at the upper right-hand corner of FCPX. Make sure you are seeing the information for the project you’d like to change the properties.
Click on Modify Settings at the bottom of the Properties window.
In the window that opens, change the Video Properties to
FOR HD Videos (720P - 1280x720 or 1440x1080)
CHANGE TO: Format 1080i HD, Resolution to 1920x1020, and Rate to 29.97 (progressive formats and 23fps not allowed for ingesting).
FOR SD Videos (420P - 720x480 or 640x480)
CHANGE TO: Format NTSC SD, Resolution to 720x480 DV and Rate to 29.97 (progressive formats and 23fps not allowed for ingesting).
Click OK.
While your project is highlighted in the Project Library, go to Share>Export Master File and make sure your settings match the above settings.
Export your file to your disk image (this is important that all your assets, project file, and finished piece are in one place).
Copy Exported File to INGEST
Step by Step Screenshot Walkthrough
Go to your Project Library
Click on the Project you want to Export
On the Top Menu Bar of FCPX click on Windows, and choose Project Properties. The properties for that project will appear at the upper right-hand corner of FCPX. Make sure you are seeing the information for the project you’d like to change the properties.
Click on Modify Settings at the bottom of the Properties window.
In the window that opens, change the Video Properties to
FOR HD Videos (720P - 1280x720 or 1440x1080)
CHANGE TO: Format 1080i HD, Resolution to 1920x1020, and Rate to 29.97 (progressive formats and 23fps not allowed for ingesting).
FOR SD Videos (420P - 720x480 or 640x480)
CHANGE TO: Format NTSC SD, Resolution to 720x480 DV and Rate to 29.97 (progressive formats and 23fps not allowed for ingesting).
Click OK.
While your project is highlighted in the Project Library, go to Share>Export Master File and make sure your settings match the above settings.
Export your file to your disk image, desktop, ingest or external drive.
Check status of export in Background Task Manager
Submitting Your Video/Show
INGEST - Drag and drop your video's icon over the Ingest Icon.
Once your Video is fully copied or exported to the Ingest Drive - Take a break.
The system will take 10-15 minutes to check your video. If your video has been exported with the correct settings, it will show up in the Dropdown list in Submit a Show page on the Denver Open Media website.
Troubleshooting Problems
If your video doesn’t disappear from Ingest - your video does not have a unique file name or is not the right file extension. Rename your video and try again.
If your video never appears in the Dropdown list, it likely has the wrong settings. Most typically, the frame rate or frame size is incompatible with our system. Check your settings and try again.
Login to your DOM website Dashboard.
Click "Submit New Show" on the left side of the page and fill out the form. Please note the following:
Fill out all of the required fields. * Red asterisks are next to all required fields.
Write a description of the show and maybe some exciting tidbits (this helps with search engine indexing).
Complete the Metadata fields: License, Themeblock, Genre, Rating, and Language.
Make sure you choose the correct rating! (TV-MA will only air from 10pm-6am)
Add a thumbnail of either a screenshot from your episode or your show’s logo. This isn’t required, but it will look more appealing to viewers on the website.
Your on-demand video will typically be available to play on the website within 24 hours or less.
Save and Agree to Terms
Read more info about DOM’s Content Policies.
Congratulations! You have now completed uploading your video! Don’t forget to Schedule, Share, and get Votes for your show so your show airs more often and get promoted to the HD Channel!
Don't forget, if you have any trouble submitting, please contact your friendly interns or staff at the DOM Help Desk. If you experience any technical problems with the system, file a trouble report.