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January 2015 Denver YouTube Professionals - Syndication and Driving Traffic with YouTube Videos

The guest speaker was Casey Meraz, CEO of Ethical SEO Consulting and Author of How to Perform the Ultimate SEO Audit

TV and Radio coined the term- "Syndication" Definition = The right to broadcast programs over multiple stations without going through a broadcast network. 

Now on the internet Syndication has taken on a much different meaning. 

We already know that Video is the most effective content on the internet and is very effective at getting results. NOW our goal is to get that video in front of as many viewers as possible so that we can drive more traffic to our web site. 

Today we have as many choices to upload our video as cable television channels. Which ones are important and which ones align with your brand? Come learn the 10 best online video platforms for broadcasting your videos.

Driving traffic is the 2nd piece of the puzzle. Corporations pay thousands of dollars a month to drive traffic to their website but you can learn how to effectively drive traffic for free.

Published: 1/31/2015 0 Comments
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Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: Arts & Film
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-G
Language: English