The Burning Cradle: Sex Abuse Warning Signs
Published: 01-11-14

Kitty Sargent, of Blue Sky Bridge Child and Family Advocacy Center in Boulder, teaches a group of day care providers about the warning signs of sexual abuse of small children. This program is part one of two parts. It was produced in 2002 at Denver Community Television by Paula Rhoads Hook. Some information about child car seats may be out of date because of changes in laws.

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The Burning Cradle

Produced at DCTV between 2002 and May 2004, "The Burning Cradle" focuses on child sexual abuse to innoculate us against the taboo of even talking about this scourge. Speakers may be national experts at local conferences of Blue Sky Bridge or the Kempe Children's Center, or local detectives and legislators involved in changing Colorado's laws.

Producer: prhoads
Language: English
Theme: Community Issues and Advocacy
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