Maybe I'm the only person sympathetic to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rice, but before we lynch anyone, can I say something?
The elevator episode could be a strong demonstration of "lack of impulse control," which is a classic symptom of a brain injury, a certain type of brain injury.
Yeah, maybe you think I see brain injuries everywhere, but I have one of these types, so let me explain how damage to the prefrontal cortex can result in the amygdala releasing anything coming from the limbic system.
Say what? OK, just watch it. And someone call Adrian Peterson too, because he needs this info also.
BTW: Football causes brain injuries, so why should we be surprised?
Maybe the NFL should get these guys and gals a TRIPLE TESSLA MRI before we go any further.
Also, maybe I'm the only person to attempt to answer former Gov. Roy Romer's data about illegal immigration, even though I don't disagree with the gent at all.
I just think my daughter, Miranda, has perhaps a better SOLUTION.
Oh, and if you can stomach all that, we share a ride down the mountain in Gunnison County for those who never got out of town this summer.