People may say, they never hear the voice of God. But, says Harold Klemp, the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master and spiritual leader of ECKANKAR, they hear they just don’t listen. Have you ever experienced an inner nudge then discounted it? It takes practice and confidence to recognize the nudges and promptings that come from the true source.
Harold gives an example of a Nigerian man who followed the warning he received and just in time saved his family from a near tragedy. In another account Harold tells how a man is overcoming his fear of death that is showing up as a sleep disorder. See what lessons and blessings you can find in your life given these every day examples.
Democracy Now Promo for Open Media
A preview to my upcoming documantary, Little Miss Molly 2.
Tony Shawcross comes home, and spends a few years on the couch. Get out.