<p>Coloradorock has been documenting the local music scene in Denver for the last 10 years and has recorded more than three thousand talented artists for the Innervision television show. This episode features: Cantebury Lane, Black Opps, Big Heater, Impediments, Solitary Sinners and The Bill Wright Band.</p>
<p>Coloradorock has been documenting the local music scene in Denver for the last 10 years and has recorded more than three thousand talented artists for the Innervision television show. This episode features: Wrestling Jacob, Atlas Hunter, Shizdiggy, Weary and Thorn.</p>
<p>This message, recorded over 16 years ago, exposes the speaker's young courage to spread the Gospel to others. He wants to thank all of you who have taken the courage of faith from this message to believe in Jesus Christ and join the TEAM to promote His Mission across the globe.</p>
<p>God still answers prayer when we go to him with the proper attitude and sincerity of heart.</p>
<p>The power of prayer calls for the understanding of its structure and function. This message covers both.</p>
<p>Interview with some of the film directors of short films from the 2007 Starz Denver Film Festival.</p>
<p>This video was a part of the 2006 fundraising breakfast for the Senior Resource Center. This video was produced by Deproduction, a Denver-based non-profit video production company.</p>
<p>Coloradorock has been documenting the local music scene in Denver for the last 10 years and has recorded more than three thousand talented artists for the Innervision television show. This episode features: The New Sense, CRS Spirit, Illicit Sects, Scalafrea Jazz Band, Tenpenny and Do unto Others.</p>