In the Loop welcomes the filmmakers from "The Cove" into the studio for a special feature on the amazing documentary, exposing dolphin killing in a small cove in the village of Taiji, Japan. Director Louie Psihoyos, associate producer Charles Hambleton and cinematographer Eric Abramson talk with In the Loop host Scott Rinehart in this show taped on May 30 for July and August air dates, near the film's nationwide release on July 31 and Colorado screening on August 7.
Host Paula Rhoads reviews recent news announcements and clips from VIEWS FROM DENVER, another public access show at 4 pm Fridays on Channel 56. The quotes about mentally ill inmates are from Carl Clark, MD and CEO of the Mental Health Center of Denver, as well as from Christie Donner of the Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition, whose various positions are expressed politely. Watch that VIEWS show at 4 pm Fridays. Or in the archives, where BrainiacsKIDSTBI also approaches a similar topic.
<p>This is the latest "Bible Study with Henry Koski." This one-half hour show is on II Thess 2.</p>
This is the latest "Bible Study with Henry Koski." This one-half hour show is on II Thess 2.
<p>Safari camps in South Africa, Botswana, and Zimbabwe, hosted by John Elliff</p>
Safari camps in South Africa, Botswana, and Zimbabwe, hosted by John Elliff
<p>Substance dependence/abuse recovery.</p>
<p>The Road to Recovery.</p>