<p><span style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, 'Bitstream Vera Sans', sans-serif; font-size: small;"><span style="font-size: 11px; white-space: pre;"><span style="font-family: Times; font-size: medium; white-space: normal;"> </span></span></span></p>
Go Green Party! Episode 4 features the Red, White, Blue, and Green Party, organized by the Poudre Valley Greens to celebrate America's Independence and honor community leaders with the Green Giant Awards. Hollie Kopp appears as the party emcee, with Eric Fried talking about Instant Runoff Voting and a Fort Collins Ranked Voting initiative, Green U.S. Senate Candidate Bob Kinsey talking about his campaign and national politics, and several Poudre Valley Greens presenting awards to Green activists around the community. Filmed and edited by Tanya Ishikawa to air on Denver Open Media.
<p>Comedians of Denver</p>
This is the finale message for the Allen Chapel 132nd Year Anniversary, 2010. The Church is located in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Who could know that 29 years today, a former pastor then could be the anniversary messenger.
Reverend Daryl Walker, the Pastor of Turner AME Church in Hyattsville, MD spoke from the Book of Nehemiah Chapter 4 and from the topic: When It's Half Right, then Comes Trouble.
Stay blessed as you listen to him elucidate and expound on the texts to show its relevance to us in this 21st Century Recessionary America.
This is the CONCLUSION of the message by Rev. Julius E. Giddens of Grove Hill Alabama. He was speaking on the occasion of 132 years anniversary of Allen Chapel AME Church, Cheyenne, Wyomin. Rev. Edwin R. Donaldson is the Anniversary Pastor. This was the Morning Message.
After 132 years of seeing God in action in one church, it is incumbent upon the living members and their descendants to stop and THANK God for his faithfulness.
On this day, without invitation, God sent a young man, by the name of Reverend Julius Giddens, to visit this Church. He had no intention of preaching since he came all the way from Grove Hill, Alabama just visiting. The pastor asked him if he had any word from the Lord and the rest is a dynamite Holy Ghost experience for all in attendance.
The Ed Reinhart/Tony Bruno Adventure Camp Golf Tournament gave sunburns to plenty of people Thursday, and also raised funds to send TBI survivors to camp to get more sunburns. Our photographer bothers just about everybody to get some fun footage so you can feel like you were there too.