Name Your File Correctly
(and make sure it's an MP3!)
Before uploading your file, make sure you've properly named it. Above all else, it needs to include the show's intended airdate in the correct format.
Here's an example of a correctly named file: My First Podcast 6-3-2019.mp3
- There are no slashes separating the date
- There are no leading zeros in the date
- The file is an MP3
If your episode is split into two parts, label each file like so: My First Podcast part 1 6-3-2019.mp3 and My First Podcast part 2 6-3-2019.mp3. Don't include the word "part" in your file name, otherwise.
Here are several examples of files that won't get scheduled:
Part of My First Podcast 6-3-2019.mp3
- "Part" in this context will prevent the file from getting scheduled
My First Podcast 6/3/2019.mp3
- Date separators are slashes instead of dashes
My First Podcast 06-03-2019.mp3
- Date includes leading zeros
My First Podcast 6-3-19.mp3
- The year needs to include all four digits: 2019
My First Podcast 6-3-2019.wav
- This isn't an MP3 file
Other Considerations
To have a weekly series, you must complete and submit the required series timeslot request. E-mail radio@denveropenmedia.org if you have any questions about this process.
The length of each file cannot exceed 58 minutes, to accommodate the mandatory station ID that airs at the top of every hour. If the full length of your show exceeds 58 minutes, don't worry, you can simply split the episode into two parts, labeling each file as described above.
It's best to upload a new episode of your series a week before its intended airdate. If you have 10 episodes of your series ready for broadcast, don't upload them all at once. Instead, upload one at a time, one week before its airdate.
Uploading Your Show
Now that you've correctly named your file, and split your episode into two parts that are each under 58 minutes (if necessary), you may upload your shows as you would any normal audio file. If you have any questions or encounter a problem, don't hesitate to e-mail radio@denveropenmedia.org.