*All equipment used under a DOM membership, whether free or at reduced member rates, must be used to create programming that will air on DOM channels.
Checking Equipment Out/In
Field equipment must be checked out and checked in during Denver Open Media hours of operation: Tues-Fri 1-8:30 and Sat. 11am-6pm. All equipment must be reserved in advance, via the online reservations system, denveropenmedia.org/equipment. Much, but not all, of our gear is free for 24 hours (see below). In the event that a member owes for equipment, the fee must be paid upon checkout before the equipment leaves Denver Open Media.
Members must test and inspect all equipment before checking it out to ensure it will be functional during the reservation period. Staff and interns will test and inspect equipment upon return. Producers must allow 10-30 minutes (depending on the quantity of equipment) for the check-in and return process. Members are responsible for determining that the equipment is in working condition when they arrive to use it or to check it out. Any malfunctions or damage should be reported immediately. Any equipment found to be missing or damaged upon return will be the responsibility of the renter. Any equipment or studios left dirty or messy, will be charged a $25 cleaning fee.
A member who checks out the equipment must also be the member who returns the equipment. If another person returns your equipment, there will be a $25 fine. Please be sure that you will be available for the reservation you made.
Quantity Limits
Within membership privileges, members may reserve one complete field package, including but not exceeding: 1 camera and accessories, 2 batteries, 2-3 microphones and cables, one camera support, 1 light kit with accessories, field monitor and headphones. For equipment needed beyond these quantities, members will be charged reduced commercial rates: Expanded Member Rates. For Laptop rentals, members are allowed one laptop rental per week.
Members wanting to use equipment for non-access programming or commercial projects (any project that results in advertising or paid work) will be charged commercial rates.
Time Limits
Unless otherwise approved, equipment must be returned within 24 hours or the next DOM business day. Members may not make 2 advanced consecutive reservations in order to ensure all members have access. If upon return, the equipment is still available, members may reserve equipment for another 24-hour period. For Laptop rentals, members are allowed one laptop rental per week.
If you know you are not planning on picking up the equipment you have reserved, please cancel your reservation ASAP so others may reserve it.
Late Pick Up
Members who are more than 30 minutes late for their reservation, without notice, will forfeit their reservation if another member/renter needs to use that equipment. Please make any changes by canceling the reservation and re-reserving through the online reservations system, or call 720-222-0160 immediately in order not to lose your reservation.
Late Return
Fines are assessed for all Equipment returned beyond the time it is due. If you are having an emergency, call 720-222-0160 immediately. If properly notified we will consider removing late penalties to your account. Fines are billed at 1/8 the Expanded Member-Rate (50% off Commercial Rates) per hour up to 8 hours and then are billed at the daily rate. Producers will not be permitted to utilize any further equipment until these fines are paid. No exceptions. Remember, returning equipment late can impact other members' equipment pickup.
Missing/Damaged Equipment
This is the official policy for members who break, lose, or otherwise damage DOM equipment, must pay for or replace the equipment. Rental privileges will be suspended until the equipment is replaced or balance has been paid (there is a 20% admin fee added to all repair or replacement payments that we have to coordinate and/or ship). We have a limited amount of equipment and we have many community members who need to share the use of this equipment. This policy is designed with the intentions of maximizing the longevity and availability of the equipment for everyone.
Upon taking out equipment:
Members must sign the DOM Field Equipment checkout form. By signing this form you are agreeing that all equipment is accounted for and in working condition, without any damage.
Upon returning the equipment:
Members must set up all equipment in order for OMF staff/interns to check that all equipment is being returned and that it is in good working condition and not damaged.
If at the time of check-in it is discovered that there are lost or damaged items, the following will take place:
1. The member will be asked to sign a form stating:
The Member’s name
The Member’s project
The item lost or damaged
The item's price
The date by which all payments must be made. After this date, the producer will incur major financial penalties.
2. All field privileges will be lost until the item is returned, replaced, or paid in full. Members will be given two weeks to replace or to pay for the item. Any replacement must be of an identical item. If the member chooses to pay for the item, a fair price will be determined by OMF staff members based on going rates from video/audio retailers, plus a service fee.
3. If a replacement or payment is made within two weeks, the member’s field checkout privileges will be reinstated. If, after two weeks, the item has not been paid for or replaced, the member will lose all field membership privileges: all reservations will be canceled, and no future reservations will be made until the item is paid for or replaced. If after one month the matter is still not cleared up, loss of privileges will extend to all areas of membership and under certain circumstances, failure to make restitution may result in loss of channel time.
4. Bounced Check Policy: If we receive a returned check from our bank for a payment you made, you will be invoiced for the original amount of the check plus a $25 bank fee. The payment of the invoiced amount will be due within 30 days of Invoice date. We will not re-submit the original check, nor will we accept another check for the re-payment. You will need to bring cash or credit card payment into the office or mail to us a Money Order for the amount invoiced.
5. Repairs of any damaged equipment are at the discretion of OMF. The damaged equipment will be sent to an authorized dealer of OMF’s choice. The member will be responsible for the cost of repair or replacement of the equipment, plus admin fees.
Uncertified Use
Members must not allow the use of equipment by anyone not certified on that equipment. Member privileges may be revoked for violation of this policy.
Accident, Mishandling, Neglect
If equipment fails due to an accident, mishandling, or neglect, liability for the repair or replacement rests with the person who signed for the equipment. The liability includes the cost of replacing equipment stolen while it is checked out.
Ordinary Wear and Tear
If equipment failure is due to ordinary wear and tear, Open Media Foundation will see to it that it is repaired or taken out of inventory.
Outside Software and Equipment Connections
No third party software or games will be installed by the user. No alterations or connections will be made to DOM equipment without authorization by staff.
Underage Users
Any certified user under the age of 18 must have on file a parent responsibility statement before using equipment or facilities. Parents or legal guardians signing the form accept full financial responsibility for equipment and facilities used by the minor.